Social Issues and Problems
National Journal on Social Issues and Problems :
A Half Yearly Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary National Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities with impact factor of the journal is 8.045 (2024), 7.278 (2023) and 7.303 (2022). View impact factor certificate.
'Social Issues and Problems' is a multilanguage peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of the Department of Sociology, S. N. Mor College, Tumsar. It is published twice a year: January-June and July-December, focusing on theories, methods and applications in all Social Sciences Subject, Law, Entrepreneurship Development, journalism and Mass Communication, Cross-Cultural Studies, Education, Management and many more in the fields of Social Science.
Send your article or paper for the publication. We will be expremly pleased to work with you in such academic process.
Important Notes For Paper Senders : Professors and Researchers or Research Scholars of Humanities Science (English / Marathi / Hindi / History / Sociology / Social Work / Economics / Home-Economics / Political Science / Geography Etc.) are invited to submit a full paper for publishing in the journal on any social problems & issues or any topic.
Paper up to 3000 words with the Title, Author’s Name, address and key words in MS WORD, Font Format Times New Roman, Font Size 12 for English and Kruti Dev 050 Font Format, Font Size 14 for Marathi and Hindi with E:mail address for January-June Subscription Issue should be sent on or before 30th November and for July-December Subscription Issue should be sent on or before 30th May.
Research Paper can be written in English, Hindi & Marathi. The paper could also be sent on following E:mail address :